
Some more from Russia: America chooses its future

11/07/2008 [article] / Opinion / Columnists

Obama’s election may lend succor to those who argue that the laws and policies designed to remedy racial discrimination by promoting opportunity and diversity in education and employment are no longer necessary. On the same night Obama was elected, voters in states like Nebraska passed ballot initiatives outlawing affirmative action, proclaiming there can no longer be any “preferential treatment” based upon race, gender, ethnicity or national origin.
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11/06/2008 [article] / Russia / Politics

Russia’s major media outlets and prominent politicians said prior to the voting in the United States that building relations with Russia would become one of the serious tests for the new American president. The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Gennady Zyuganov, welcomed Barack Obama’s victory. “His election is the choice of the younger, and the modern America which has been totally disappointed in the politics of George W. Bush. The Americans will not forgive the Republicans the two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,” he said
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11/04/2008 [article] / Opinion / Columnists

Only Satan would have been worse than the Bush regime. Therefore it could be argued that the new administration in the USA could never be worse than the one which divorced the hearts and minds of Americans from their brothers in the international community, which appalled the rest of the world with shock and awe tactics that included concentration camps, torture, mass murder and utter disrespect for international law. Yet in choosing Obama, the people of America have opted to come back into the international fold. Welcome back, friends!
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11/04/2008 [article] / World / Americas

The US presidential race, the grand American soap opera that continued for almost two years, became the most scandalous, dramatic, unpredictable and the most expensive campaign in US history. The candidates have spent about $2.4 billion on their fight for the White House despite the global economic crisis at the time, when hundreds of thousands of US voters were losing their jobs and homes
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10/30/2008 [article] / Opinion / Columnists

Americans, like most people of this World, do not like secrets. When someone has a secret, that they don’t want you to know, it is rarely in your interest. Obama, with the help of our major media, fights desperately to keep many things about Obama’s life a secret. Obama doesn’t want to discuss his long term relations with William Ayers, who organized bombings of government buildings in America. William Ayers is a two bit light weight compared to some of Obama’s other conspirators.
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10/27/2008 [article] / Opinion / Columnists

If the voters are truthfully informed, they get a good government. If the voters are not truthfully informed, and do nothing to correct that, then by default, they make a conscious choice to remain ignorant, and by doing so, they bring swindlers, liars, thieves and murderers to force us how to live. And that is exactly what they deserve for choosing to be ignorant.
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10/24/2008 [article] / Opinion / Columnists

George W. Bush had (and has) no compunction about lying to the American people because his entire life has been one huge lie. He owes his wealth and education, not to any intelligence or business acumen, but to the preferential treatment he received through family connections, yet he has the audacity to condemn affirmative action policies as “preferential treatment.” He makes jingoistic speeches and tells Iraqi insurgents to “bring it on” from the safety of the White House, yet again relied on family connections to avoid serving in Vietnam. Both of his so-called “elections” to the presidency were outright lies, manipulated by unlawful purges of prospective voters, corrupt election officials, and unethical Supreme Court “justices” like Antonin Scalia, who wanted to ensure that his “hunting buddy” Dick Cheney was elevated to the vice-presidency
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10/20/2008 [article] / World / Americas

Respectful US diplomat Charles Freeman described the period of George W. Bush’s presidency as the stage of stupid adventures that weakened the United States. The official believes that the new US president must change the home and foreign policies of the nation. Former Ambassador Charles Freeman, who chaired the US mission in Saudi Arabia from 1989 to 1992 said in an interview with a Saudi newspaper that the current US administration exhausted its friends, weakened its allies and eventually exhausted and weakened the United States itself
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10/09/2008 [article] / World / Americas

Many of Bush’s critics have voiced the opinion that Bush’s presidency has accomplished nothing and has resulted in only failures. Quite frankly, Bush and his Neocon enablers and world wide puppets have reached two milestones previously believed unreachable. The most interesting point of both is that they were reached with little conscious thought. In the US there is a word that was coined specifically for the 911 and Afghanistan periods: blowback. It means the unintentional consequences that beset those who do various deeds without actually contemplating what may be the results.
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10/08/2008 [article] / Opinion / Columnists

Why all the mis-statements and vicious lies about Alaska’s Governor Sarah Palin? Why do the major newscasters show polls looking like McCain/Palin are neck and neck with Obama/Biden? Major newscasters use polls based on 700 people polled, or 1,000 people polled and in one case, less than 200 people were polled. There is no way such a small list can reflect a public opinion.
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