Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
PO Box 7487
Ocean Park, Maine 04063
Web site: Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA
Legal Defense & Research Trust
PO Box 7487
Ocean Park, Maine 04063
Web site: Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA
Stalkers Target Ex-FBI Agent Geral Sosbee
Note: This report of criminal stalking is from former FBI agent Geral Sosbee. The 'T' stands for the Target, Geral Sosbee.
Stalking is one of the most common tactics used by government criminals to disrupt the Target's life. Among other damages, stalkers create extreme stress/trauma through constant harassment. Stalkers may also compound their crimes by theft/vandalism of Target's property.
If the Target files a police report, most often, absolutely nothing is done to apprehend the perps. Even worse, police (as in this case) actually destroy evidence and/or falsify reports concerning the incident.
I have seen this same scenario play out countless times, when the Targets of stalkers have appealed to me to investigate and/or for assistance to stop the stalking.
Most often, the best I can do is expose the stalkers, assuming I know their names. In this particular case, the stalkers could not be identified. But at least we've got the names of some of the cops.
Most often, the best I can do is expose the stalkers, assuming I know their names. In this particular case, the stalkers could not be identified. But at least we've got the names of some of the cops.
Stalkers are the lowest form of life on earth. They have ZERO respect for Privacy, God-given Rights, or the personal boundaries of the Individual.
The government's use of stalkers to persecute Targets is emblematic of an attitude that says: We are coming for you...We will hunt you down...We will stay on your case...We will be relentless...And we will destroy you. And you can't do a damn thing about it.
Why? Simply because the Target exposed the Truth about the criminals in government. The Target stands for Justice. The Target defends Liberty.
Stalkers are truly minions of Satan. Who else would have as their main focus in life to destroy the lives of others? To persecute Messengers of Truth and Defenders of Liberty?
Stalkers are cowards and psychopaths. Stalkers are the scum of the earth.
Who is paying for all this criminal activity?
You are. Your tax dollars at work.....
Barbara Hartwell Percival
Enemy of Psycho-Stalkers Worldwide
November 14, 2008
From Harlingen, Texas
November 2, 2008
November 2, 2008
On November 2, 2008, Sosbee (hereinafter referred to as 'T' ) files the following report with the McAllen, Texas, Police Department:
On this date an individual stalks T in McAllen, Texas, entered T's car at the Plaza Shopping Mall, turnes on the car lights, and steals $20. Click here to see police report.
T also asks the officer at the scene to determine whether the security cameras capture the suspect; and T briefs the officer on the fbi crime spree against him. The report by the officer at the scene omits the vandalism and stalking data.
T then files a request to visit the McAllen, Texas, detective (Richard D. Villareal) handling the case:
"geral w. sosbee" to mmguzman
Inquiry Received:
Sunday, November 09, 2008 at 1:29 PM
Name: geral w. sosbee
Phone: (956)371-5210
Subject: McAllen Police Department, case number 2008 111553.
I request to visit with Detective Villareal (investigator assigned to my complaint) next week about
McAllen Police Department, case number 2008 111553.
Thank you.
geral w. sosbee
Inquiry Received:
Sunday, November 09, 2008 at 1:29 PM
Name: geral w. sosbee
Phone: (956)371-5210
Subject: McAllen Police Department, case number 2008 111553.
I request to visit with Detective Villareal (investigator assigned to my complaint) next week about
McAllen Police Department, case number 2008 111553.
Thank you.
geral w. sosbee
T also files a report with the Mall Security Office :
Re: Fw: Mall Feedback mcallen police
"" to me
"" to me
Thank you for your feedback and I am sorry for your experience at La Plaza Mall. We have a great working relationship with the McAllen Police Department and will assist in anyway possible. If you have any additional questions, please let me know.
Augi Yi
Mall Manager
La Plaza Mall - Palms Crossing
2200 South 10th Street
McAllen, TX 78503
Phone: 956.972.5454
Fax: 956.687.5849
Isabel Rodriguez
First Name: geral
Last Name: sosbee
Email Address:
Phone Number: (956)371-5210
Inquiry Type: Mall Feedback
Mall: La Plaza
Visitor's IP:
Please note that my car was vandalized and money stolen therefrom yesterday, as reported to the McAllen Police Department, case number 2008 111553.
The crime occurred at around 1, 2 or 3 PM and I trust that you will provide the police with the footage of the security camera that covers the West entrance to the J.C. Penny store where my car was parked.
Thank you.geral sosbee
p.o. box 3374
harlingen,texas 78551
Thank you.geral sosbee
p.o. box 3374
harlingen,texas 78551
Police Investigation Thwarted At The Direction Of the FBI
Note that the original officer who filed the report violated the law by not including the felonious stalking data, as T has fully documented (and advised the McAllen police officer)regarding previous stalking incidents with the Brownsville, Texas, Police Department.
Also, note that the security office of the Brownsville, Texas shopping mall routinely allows the Brownsville, Texas police to report that the cameras were not functioning at the time of the crimes reported by T. T showed the police and the city council of Brownsville, Texas, that the cameras were in fact working and that the police simply controlled the security officers at the mall for the purpose of suppressing evidence of fbi crimes.
Police Investigation Thwarted At The Direction Of the FBI
The same McAllen, Texas, police officer who first responded to T's report of theft, stalking and vandalism of T's vehicle in McAllen, Texas, made a preliminary investigation at the scene as follows:
On November 2, 2008, she (the officer) contacted the Plaza Mall security officer on duty and he stated as follows:
On November 2, 2008, she (the officer) contacted the Plaza Mall security officer on duty and he stated as follows:
The security camera mounted at the far south western corner of the Dillard's department store was on at the time of the crime; the camera was working and gave a clear picture of T's vehicle at the time the police officer inquired (around 4:30 PM).
[Note that after T filed the police report, the fbi began by remote control unlocking and locking the doors to T's car, as an apparent notice to T that the police report would not be correctly recorded.]
The officer who filed the false police report is named K. Castaneda (as shown on her business card), but her name on the police report is Karina Hernandez, badge 10042.
[Note that after T filed the police report, the fbi began by remote control unlocking and locking the doors to T's car, as an apparent notice to T that the police report would not be correctly recorded.]
The officer who filed the false police report is named K. Castaneda (as shown on her business card), but her name on the police report is Karina Hernandez, badge 10042.
T briefed the officer on the importance of the camera as possible evidence of the photographic identity of the fbi operative at the scene.
By failing to accurately record the crimes reported by T at the scene, the officer (Castaneda) falsified the police report, covered up a report of criminal conduct and suppressed evidence by omission.
Then, when the case was assigned to the detective, Richard D. Villareal, he did nothing on the case and he he refused to allow T to meet with him about the intentionally suppressed evidence.
Police corruption in this instance is a possible violation of Title 18, USC, Section 242, as a deprivation of Rights Under Color Of Law, or a Deprivation of Rights, privileges and Immunities secured by the United States Constitution.
Stalking in Texas, under the facts reported herein, is a felony offense under Texas Penal Code, Sectio 42.072.
Both the detective and the investigation officer should be investigated by the US Attorney for felony offenses as set forth above.
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