
Drug dealers only fear legalization

Drug dealers, drug cartels and al Qaeda love prosecuting attorneys like Rod J. Rosenstein. They love anyone who supports the policy of drug war/modern prohibition because it puts billions of dollars into their pockets.

Rosenstein's statement, "We are keeping our communities safe from this highly addictive illegal drug," is completely false.

Maryland is awash in meth, and the bust made in Frederick on Sept. 5 was meaningless. Mexico supplies about 80 percent of America's meth, and we in law enforcement are powerless to stop this Katrina-like ocean of drugs pouring across our border every day.

Legalization and regulation of drugs is the only headline drug dealers fear to read. Without prohibition, they will be unemployed. As a retired police officer, that is the message I bring to Capitol Hill every day.

Howard J. Wooldridge, Frederick

The writer is an education specialist with Massachusetts-based Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.

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