
Dumbing down outcry as one in five GCSE pupils thinks the Sun orbits the Earth: Take our test to see if you can do any better

By Benedict Brogan

One in five pupils who took the basic science GCSE this year believes the Sun orbits the Earth, it can be revealed today.

And one in ten of those taking the same exam did not know that a rechargeable battery could be used more than once.

The level of ignorance, despite the 'laughably easy' questions, was exposed in the 2008 Examiners' Report by exam board Edexcel, which has been seen by the Tories.

It sheds new light on what MPs say are falling standards and led to a condemnation of the 'national scandal' of dumbing down in schools.

Conservative schools spokesman Michael Gove, who saw the Edexcel report, also released sample questions from the same board's new GCSE science tests, which were introduced this year. He said they were proof that exams are now much easier than 20 or 30 years ago.

Among the questions proposed was one that asked if a nurse should stay clear of X-rays 'to avoid melting her mobile phone'.

Mr Gove said: 'It's not as though these questions are rigorous tests of scientific knowledge. One exam board asks if we look at the stars through telescopes or microscopes.'

He added: 'There is a desperate need to assert the importance of rigour and excellence in education if we are to avert further decline, but almost every step the Government takes is in the opposite direction.'

Nick Seaton of the Campaign for Real Education said: 'It's a national scandal.
When you get laughably easy questions like this which may help politicians to reach targets but mean businesses and employers can't rely on the standards then obviously the system is not fit for purpose.'

The Tories claim standards have been lowered to inflate the pass rate as part of the Government's drive to meet its targets.

The system of single, double or triple science GCSEs, for which separate physics, chemistry and biology papers were set, was scrapped this year.

Instead pupils chose science or, for the more competent, additional science.

They could also choose the degree of difficulty. The lowest level available, the 'foundation tier', is so basic that even if candidates answer all questions correctly the highest grade they can hope for is a C.

Last summer 537,606 pupils sat the new science GCSE, with 59.3 per cent scoring grade C or higher.

And 433,468 took additional science, with 63.2 achieving C or higher.

The new GCSE was dismissed as 'fit for the pub', not the classroom, by scientist Baroness Warnock.

Earlier this year pupils who sat chemistry O-level questions from the 1960s achieved an average mark of 16 per cent. Last year in GCSE chemistry 90.9 per cent of candidates achieved at least a C.

Are exams really getting easier? Here the Mail reproduces some questions from the science and additional science GCSEs alongside some O-Level questions.

The difference is striking, but you decide.

Pencils ready? You may begin.

Check how you did... here are the answers

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