
Dusty Gets Green Light for Green Badge

Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit Former number three at the CIA, Dusty Foggo, cut a sweet deal with federal prosecutors and pleaded guilty to one felony count for abusing his Agency position to funnel lucrative water contracts to Brent Wilkes, former friend and intel contractor. The terms of the plea agreement essentially bar Foggo from holding a government position requiring a security clearance. However, the deal expressly allows Dusty to work for an intel contractor requiring a security clearance. In other words, Dusty has been green lighted to become a green badger and use his government contacts to steer business to intel contractors along the Beltway.

Br'er rabbit just got thrown into the briar patch of the Beltway Bandits, restoring our shaken faith in Dusty's cunning. Apparently federal prosecutors understanding of the world of intel contracting was as good as Br'er Fox's of the briar patch.

And those intel contractors are probably already lining up to add Foggo to their team. It's not that often that someone of Foggo's stature, skill and charm come onto the market. Of course, Dusty will first have to serve a possible prison sentence of up to 37 months, but after that he be free to introduce his unique flair to Beltway business. Beyond wining and dining blue badgers at his favorite Capital Grille in Tyson's Corner, he has most likely picked up a few more elaborate entertainment ideas from his buddy Brent -- Scotland and cigars and Hawaii and hookers.

Okay, so hookers probably weren't Brent's idea...

Memo to Dusty: when flying blue badgers and their families to Scotland for golf and cigars, don't use your own credit card or the company's charter jet, but use a cutout instead. Ditto for Hawaii and hookers. Think tradecraft.

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