

October 16, 2008 at 10:07 am
(Cold War, Conspiracy Theories, Deceit, DesertPeace Editorial, Extremism, Islamophobia, Israel, Palestine)

Image ‘Copyleft’ by Carlos Latuff

Ramblings and Realities……
Islamophobia has become the new Cold War of the 21st century.

When all else fails, blame the Muslims…. that’s the name of the new ‘game’. When issues are not the case, point a finger, accuse the opponent of ‘being one of them’. It worked in the 50’s when the word ‘communist’ was the worst accusation possible, why not play by those same rules?
We are living in different times today. We are able to see beyond the finger pointing today. Today the rules are slightly different …. in the 50’s, the fingers were pointed at individuals or organisations, today they are pointed at entire nations.
As a child, I was taught in school that ‘Islam was the religion of the sword’…. it was something to be wary of, something to watch very carefully. We were being prepared to face the ‘new enemy’. It was ‘the next in line’ after communism…. the enemy of the future.

Looking back to my early school years it’s hard not to remember the ‘air raid drills’ that we had during class. We were told that the Russians had nuclear bombs (thanks to the American spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg) {good Islamic sounding names BTW}. We were also told that they planned to use those bombs on us. We were issued ‘ID’ tags, much like the ones issued to soldiers. On it was our name, address and names of our parents. We were told to put these under our tongues whenever there was a drill. During the drill itself we had to crouch under our desks. It was explained to us that if there actually was an attack, we would be able to be identified by the tags in our mouths, and our parents could then be notified….

That logic makes about as much sense as the rest of the Cold War. Notify our parents???? They weren’t killed as well??? They were only two blocks away when the bomb fell…. SHEESH!
Jump to the 2000’s…… same bomb, same fear….. different enemy–Iran, which just happens to be an Islamic nation.
As a side note, let’s take a look at that bomb…. who was the first to get it? Who was the first to use it?? On August 6th 1945 the United States dropped that bomb on the civilian city of Hiroshima. Three days later they dropped another one on the civilian city of Nagasaki.

SO….. from those two actions alone we can see who the real enemy is…

As Americans, we were lied to by the government our entire lives… anyone that lived through the Cold War and McCarthy era can see that. Why then are we swallowing the line that Islam is the enemy?

Let’s look at some realities….

Who at present is the aggressor in Iraq?

Who is threatening to literally wipe the Islamic Republic of Iran off the map??

Who is systematically killing off the entire nation of Palestine???
Anyone with eyes, ears and a functioning brain can see who the actual enemy is….

Islam is the victim, not the enemy.

The attempts by the West and by Israel will not alter that fact. The dehuminisation of Islam will not change the above realities.
Overcoming ignorance is the only way to change the situation. Look at the realities of the world we are living in…. look at who is holding the guns, dropping the bombs…. with your money….

Only you can put an end to this.

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