Opponents are battling a straw man—because they can’t attack Prop. 5 on merit!
The law enforcement lobby just keeps getting angrier and making wilder accusations! I knew they would oppose the Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act (NORA)—Proposition 5 on the California ballot in November. How could they not? Prop. 5 is the largest prison and sentencing reform in U.S. history. Its passage would change the drug policy reform debate nationwide.
But this is ridiculous! Prop. 5 isn’t at all what opponents are busy selling to radio talk show hosts and newspaper editorial boards. Can you help me pull the stuffing out of the law enforcement lobby’s straw man? We need to get the word out about what Prop. 5 really is! Please give to “Yes on 5” today. Your donation will help us put ads on TV, so that we can counter our opponents’ deceptions and half-truths.
Prop. 5 is smarter policy than our opponents can admit. Prop. 5 implements recommendations made repeatedly by experts over decades—and strikes the proper balance between treatment access and public safety. And yet our opponents are calling this package of reforms “the worst threat to public safety ever.” Where do they get off?
Prop. 5 is more balanced than our opponents can acknowledge. Their spokespeople use phrases like “escape punishment” and “get-out-of-jail-free” in their messaging—all carefully crafted to scare voters. It’s insanity!
The truth is that Prop. 5 builds on proven policies recommended by the experts. Under Prop. 5, no one will escape accountability or be released from jail or prison. More young people will get access to community-based treatment; more nonviolent people with drug problems will go to treatment-instead-of-incarceration; and more people will get treatment behind bars. Every $1 you give will help us get past the distractions and get the real story out there! Please give today.
With your support, we will help voters see right through what’s left of that straw man on November 4!
Margaret Dooley-Sammuli
Deputy Campaign Manager, Yes on 5
Deputy State Director, Southern California
Drug Policy Alliance Network
P.S. Please support the “Yes on 5” campaign today. Every $1 you give will help us pull the stuffing out of law enforcement’s straw man. Please donate today!
Thanks for the help!
You've got a New York billionaire and Arizona millionaire funding this "drug dealers bill of rights". Senator Feinstein, Jerry Brown, Bill Lockyer, John Garamendi, Martin Sheen, and Dolores Huerta all oppose Prop 5. I think they can be trusted more than someone who is a paid employee of the "yes" campaign.
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